"You have been here for so long"
Sergio said this to me for sooo many times during the 2nd week in Boisbuchet. I just looked like a staff, :P
I didn't introduce the lovely staff last week, but I will tell you about them this time, just wait, ok?
Sunday started with not much work and not mach blogging, but atually I did spend a lot of time to type on my MBP, and the first time to take a long nap in the afternoon. Ale and Sonia left in the morning, there was only me. (Ah, I helped taking some pictures in the kitchen of Andrea)
Soon later, I met with the new people from Poitiers, wondering who was I going to meet?
Sunday, we got to see many people, and many names. I was not able to remember al of them. Arina, Helena, Fergo, Maria, Vic, Chong, Eric, Florence, Chuan, Nina, Paka, Andrea, and so on... every one of them is soo passionate to design. And Shin Azumi. Actually he arrived earlier in the afternoon. But I didn't notice that he was the designer leading the workshop.
And, there was another two assisstant, looking like Japanese, so I thought so.... Before they came, I changed my room to the firts one on the right, thinking who was coming. In the first night, we started gaming!!! Woooow!! A drinking game!!! It was from Korea, the one who starts, says (I know it looks silly, but just trying to spell, anyone who knows the right words or characters, tell me.)
Ah kong dong myu ji ye
Ah wo la ka do ni
Ah shin shian ah boto
Ah shin shian ah boto
Ah boto, Ah boto, Ah boto, boto, boto....~~~~AHHHHHHH~~!!!!!
The story seems to be, explained by Kim, two girls went mountain climbing, meeting a monster(?) appearred as boto(don't know what this was, either), and they yelled to run!!!
Anyway, this was a game created by someone to want every one to be drunk, when the song is finished, you have to say aloud "Shokin!!"
The game didn't end until late at night, and I thought it woud be a fantastic week! And it really ended up a lot of fun!!
A lot of fun, even though I didn't played a lot in the first night, but I also didn't drink anything...:P
The second morning started with a second tour to me, because I had one for the last week. We walked through the cottages and houses, and the lake, of course. And!!!
Here came the start of the Luis workshop. According to one of the Taiwanese staff, the situation was to be a lot more better than the last week, due to some reasons, secretly.(come to ask me for more details in person :P)
In Luis' group, we had Kim, Jee, Ko un, Nai, Chuan, Joe, Eva, Andrea, Paka, and me. We then started 8 exercises to focus on our senses only, without sight. I have to write them thoroughly...!!
1.Play with sound.
Walk blindly, and prepare your paper (with a hard board behind it, so that you can have a better drawing) and pen. Sense every sound you can catch, and translate them into lines or any graphic elements you can imagine in your mind. Every line has a meaning. Yup, you have to draw with your eyes closed.
I walked on the different materials of grass and stone path, hearing the sounds of birds, wind, and leaves. Such special experience should be put in the first one!
2. Sense of motion.
Get a canoe. Find a partner to row the canoe with you, and then row to the middle of the lake, where you can get ready. Lie down in the canoe in a comfortable position for you. Look at the sky to sense your movement in the water.
Mauricio was with me. When I was having the test, I didn't know that the boat had moved so far away from the point we started(stopped). Fantistic to feel it when looking at the sky only.
3.Memory reconstruction.
Sit on the grass. But face backwards the castle. Try to draw the castle in your mind. It doesn't have to look like the real one, but to build it in your mind. It's better if you can make it closer to your image and memory.
The castle I drew was still pretty much the concrete form of the real one, it was not as good as I'd thought. Where was my imagination??
4.Light/Shadow description.
Stand under a tree. See the shadow caused by the light, and try to capture with it. You can use your sight now:)
Nai's drawing got everyone's applaud. Really inspiring and was already 3D visuallized.
5.Capture the wind.
Grab a plastic bag. Capture the language resuled by the wind on the bag, and draw them on the paper.
This one was the most abstract one for me. I was not really able to catch what I really wanted. Nope, I didn;t know what I really wanted to capture.
6.(I lost this page of note, so can some one help me remind me of it? Just give me the key word.)
7. Running movement capture.
Hold a few pens and paper in your hand, and then run through the field. You can open your eyes, but don't look at the paper. See what will be drawn on the paper.
This definitely was the most interesting one. Even if you couldn't really tell what the result was like, but it was fun, isn't it?
8.River practice.
Stand in the river. Close your eyes to feel the water through your feet. And draw the feelings on the paper.
I could sense the cool touching of water, soo comfortable and smoothing.
After the 8 exercises, we got many many drawings of the experiences. The result was of potenetial. Then We were to choose whom to be with and what the topic would be. During the coffee break, I saw the other workshop sharing their toys or games when they were young. One of them, Florence was showing something cool. It was a toy originated from a Chinese lock system. Many sticks tied up by rubber bans. Cut the rubber bans with scissors in the right positions, the shape would from itself into a rounded one. I saw Fergal showing a bow and some arrows, Helena soft wood, and some toehr things.(I cannot fully remember, :( The 8th exercise was finished after the break, and we sticked them onto the wall, presenting the thoughts about them. We then chose the ones we thought interesting and Luis separated us into groups of 2 people.
The night started with Shin's presentation. I couldn't recall the dinner well now, but Azumi's presentation was nice. With a functionality thought and precise observation, he has many great works. (see here) I admit that the presentation was sooo long, but I was really amazed by his works when I really saw them. (What a designer!!!!)
On 16th, it was Luis' turn. So different from Shin's thought. He's an architect. But he's not really into it now.(maybe?) With his assistant, Mauricio, he made many cool things, too. During the presentation, Chong asked an impressive question, "How did you make your clients to say yes to your works?" LOOOOOL!!!! "Well, you have to tell them in the way they like, but you are still clear and transparent to them." LOOOOOL!!!!!
Oh, before the presentation of them(I forgot which day, but I think it was before Luis'.), we had a football game!!! Choche, Sergio, Alice, Adrian(chef) and me were in a team, and the other was Chuan, Alessandro, Adrian, Hsin-Hsieh, and uh...(I can't remember now, and I don't have the pictures now, so maybe someone could help me= =?) Anyway, the game was exciting with the winning result. We beat them with 3:2, XDDDD
The project was divided into many groups, and I was with Ko un, a KOREAN girl whose student is....Anthropology!!!! What!!?? She said she was informed of the workshop through websites and magazines.(they must be nice ones :P) She came with her classmate, Jee, whom I wasn't really familiar with.(but I think she's cute, LOL) Ko un and I had a good start. We discussed about the sound systems and toys, and the senses you wil lhave when you hear something. After the day of discussion, Luis gave us some advice, and happened to choose one of the ideas we had developed, which was about the signs and the visual way of translating sounds. And we eventually chose the grass in front of the Japanese house.
As the biggest feast of the workshop, all of us ended working not long after the coffee break. It was 17th, Aug.
It was gonna be the PORKY!!!! The porky's theme was finally allowing me to join. It was Sergio who was holding the vote.(Cuz last week I was working at the lake, :P) At the end, thetheme turned out to be
After the coffee break, most of us stopped to work on the costume. When Ko un and I ended the stage of work, I went to the computer room with Maria to google a picture filled with Disney characters. It was a niceee picture, but we weren't aware of what to be. The first one I thought was Buzz Lightyear, by making the wings on his back. Still feeling difficult to make the wings, I was invited by Elena to be her soldier, and she wanted to be the queen of heart. Since the idea can make a good outcome, I gave up Buzz, and started with the cardboard. The costume was simple, but people liked it!! I wrote Fuck Off on my back, with an A in diamond, and a stick in my hand. I added a head decoration at the end, and it was finished. And finally there were most people become the figures of.....Alice in the Wonderland!!
This was the first time that I get really drunk. The feeling to me was..hmm....I could still understand what I was talking about, but the things was the fact that I couldn't really choose what to say. I remember I only said, "Na ni mo shi la nai."(I don't know anything in Japanese, :P) And thanks to Kim for sending me back to my room. I have never been really drunk before, :P
On Thursday, Ko un and I had a new idea about the balloon! Due to the white balloons used by the other group(of Nai), I came up with the idea about balloons, too. I wanted to show the sound of bees, also advised by Luis, by releasing the balloons when they are filled. Fortunately, we have a compresser to put air into the balloons, so that we could experiment with them!! I filled the balloons and tended to make them not too big, or it would release itself out of control. Meanwhile, we tried many ways of "holding their breaths." Finally, the best way turned out to be the cloth pegs. They are tight enough, and also loose enought to be under control. After trying 8 of them by glueing them onto a stick with a good intervals among the pegs, Luis wanted us to make a lot more of them, so we ended up with 15 wood sticks filled with balloons!!