Time really is flying.
The week has past another series of mess, or not messed.
At the end of last week, I experienced another shooting with Sophie, and within the new topic Classic British, featured by Amy. As for those shooting, it was really good that I had such a great chance for this practice. I have been grateful for such chances to be added in my experiences, while I was given so much of compliment that I had never received as a photographer. :P
Thank you so much, Sophie.
After the rushing Sunday, I went through the 2nd installation of our Unit 1, and made some pregress on and on.
I used a double peudulum with a line streching out from the pivot to describe the different relationships of time, machines, humanity.
Those predictable and the non-predictables are all weaved and connected to each other, through the swings of the pendulum.
What was more, I made a poster in order to make it a little exhibition for group A.
At the end I think this try has its own discourse of our works, and I will keep going on.
As the review went on, I found what to do with my next step, which was really inspring.
Daniel said: "Sometimes, you don't need an idea to do your work. What you need is a feeling to make art."
Correct, and True.
On Tuesday night, we went to see The Imitation Game, played by Benedict Cumberbatch and Kierra Knightly, story about thefather of modern computer, Alan Turing, which was a good one if you ask me which movie was the 1st one I watched in London. I also happened to meet Alison in Chattime(日出茶太), after directly bought pearl milk tea. From now on, I will start reading some basic ideas of Astrophysics for the following movie, Interstellar.
We went through another Anti-Oedipus seminar on Wed, which was inspiring from the being of mankind. Technology is the being of human, just like form and content of your art. One book will only tell you one concept throughout the hundreds of pages...
Alright, I have ordered them on Amazon.
More news to come later on, but I am stopping here.
See you next week!