Oct. 13th, 2014
As informed, we started the Monday with nothing, literally.
But, it was a presentation. Everyone started brought about the nothing in head. The most impressive one for me was Aurelie's endlessly warpped eye balls, chocolates. She did it so well not only with the wrapping paper trick that got all of us involved, but as well as the twist on our expectating it would have been nothing at the end of the way of unwrapping.
Also, I have enjoyed the idea of Ludovica, she told the phenomenon of the attatchment to screen has killed the photography, but Daniel argued that, maybe it is the resurrection of it?
Ilayda's page of regretful page filled with Turkish screwed together was simple and clear. You don't see anything if it is decontextualised.
Ding's air, as well, reminded me of the famous clip on TED. A fish asked another one, "Do you feel the water?"
I cameup with the thing that was from my old work. It was actually a deeper connection to me for the past. What is past is nothing, but I can pull it back. I didn't do it well on a bigger scale, so I tried again with this topic.
At the end of the presentation, the day started to feel long especially with my cold. The 2nd brief came with 2 pieces of complex ideas: Desiring Machine and Duration, from which we have to choose for the proposal. The former basically tells about the boundary between body and machine, whilst the other discussed the time seen in artistic way: experience, and emotional. But my guess is that we can do anthing as long as we can explain the connection with them, but it is also hard to define or clearify...
As if it weren't bad enough, Monday's night ended with a talk which I think I was too unartistic to follow. She was too good for me to understand, no offense. Therefore, I escaped as soon as the QnA time started.
Oct. 14th was another lecture for Unit 2, which was as well, not really clear to me. We were set into groups and tried to define what methodology is. We were totally new to each other and I am not sure about my sense about the crew, lol. So I guess some hard work is needed for the following challenges..
15th was another presentation of self explore. I tried the way that killed creativity with my performance with my blue blanket. Indeed, I still will hesitate if asked again about the object. However, the object itself isn't the thing. What matters is the essence of it. We feel secure, hurt, smile, cry, touched, with this very object... I believe that this will be very important in the future. It will be fundamental as we find the essence of, the reflection, and ourselces as well.
Last but not least, through the induction of studios, I feel all the excitement within me. Let's get started!(After coming up with the proposals...)